A path to regenerative travel

In a world where ‘sustainability’ has become a buzzword and not always the solution to societal challenges, experts have sought a new lifestyle model. Specifically in tourism, this involves the regenerative model, which proactively focuses on restoring and improving travel destinations. Tourism is an age-old phenomenon. Think of the wealthy Romans traveling to luxurious resorts. […]

#Murals4Change, messages of peace by 11.11.11

Changemakers Logo Mural Kortrijk

The fight against injustice is never-ending. As an ambassador of international solidarity, I’ve decided to use my platform introducing 11.11.11 and its actions. 11.11.11 is a Belgian umbrella organization that bundles many organizations that fight injustice. The ambition is, along with its partner organizations, to make the world a better place and to collectively work […]

Traveling as a vegetarian

Welcome to this blogpost, fellow herbivorous. This blog would not be mine if sustainability and vegetarianism (or veganism) would not be encouraged ?It’s been approx 2 years since I’m vegetarian – time to celebrate with a blog post! In my home country, Belgium, avoiding meat/dairy is not so much of an issue. However, we all […]

Sustainable travel – who, what, how?

Peruvian sunset in Jungle from boat

Finally, after three years of studying International Tourism, I have gained a deeper insight into the ongoing tourism industry. I have learned many things, one of them being the impact of tourism. The economy, the environment, and the social structure of a country can be affected by the mass amount of incoming tourism. These impacts […]