#Murals4Change, messages of peace by 11.11.11

The fight against injustice is never-ending. As an ambassador of international solidarity, I’ve decided to use my platform introducing 11.11.11 and its actions. 11.11.11 is a Belgian umbrella organization that bundles many organizations that fight injustice. The ambition is, along with its partner organizations, to make the world a better place and to collectively work […]
Long term biking: tips

Recently I shared with you the story of Katrien and Kobe: a Belgian couple who decided to bike to China. Their story is inspirational on many levels: how to travel alternatively, how to travel sustainably, how to travel as a couple, and of course how to travel even when it’s not always easy to persist! […]
Longterm biking: Katrien and Kobe on adventure

In the following article, I’ll be sharing with you the story of an adventurous couple that decided to take a year off and bike to the other side of the world. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? I had the chance to interview them and share their story with you! Disclaimer: Katrien and Kobe made it to […]
Tips for the solo traveler

For this article, Nyala and I put our heads together to spread our advice and solo travel experiences throughout the World Wide Web. Because hey, this is what the blog is about… right? 😉 Some time ago Nyala contacted me seeking advice on solo female travel. She asked me for some general travel tips and […]
Favourite places to be according to travelers

Happy birthday! Leveling up! I’m glad to announce you that Simply by Joy is one year old now! First of all: thank you for checking out this page. Without you, it wouldn’t have been possible 🙂 Since Simply by Joy isn’t only based on my own stories but also on the stories friends and readers I’ve […]
Chinese Food Culture & Chengdu Food Tours

!This post was written before I stopped eating meat! Just like in every culture food isn’t only for feeding ourselves but eating also has a social aspect. Today’s article will take you to Chengdu, China. The home of the Giant panda, the capital city of Sichuan but also a heaven for foodies. Chengdu Food Tours […]
A trip back home: Part 3 – GUESTPOST

This is Lella’s third guest post about her trip to Ethiopia. Check out part 1 & 2 to keep up with her story! Welcome, Lella January 11th – Lalibela Another day in Ethiopia! After our very delicious and filling breakfast we walked to the bus station we were dropped off at the night before and we […]